Monday, May 26, 2008


I never kept a diary of story ideas but I do remember saying on many occasions that, “I should write a story about this.”
My memory was good enough that I could make a list of story ideas several years ago that I am presently writing.
I had dreams of publishing my own “The Waltons” type novel but that idea just doesn’t seem practical at this time.
However I do want to leave these stories for future generations to read and enjoy so I feel that a blog is my best alternative. Who knows, my future agent may read some of my works and want to see more? It never hurts to dream does it?
Growing up in the rural southern middle Tennessee hills during the 1950’s and 1960’s may not appear to provide an abundance of story material but some of the characters I knew would make Mayberry seem boring. My task is simply to present these stories in an entertaining light for your enjoyment.
Sounds easy doesn’t it?
As a semi-retired person I am using my days I have left to document these “Echoes From the Hillsides.”
I really look forward to the task.

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